Rally-O Classes with Free Spirit Dogs

We’re excited to introduce a new dog sport on our roster of classes: Rally Obedience. Our Rally-O classes focus on growing the bond between you and your dog while building on your dog’s understanding of sit, down, and stay. All Rally-O classes are taught with compassion, kindness, and positive reinforcement (no collar popping here!).

What you’ll find in all of our classes

  • We limit our 4-week sets to 4 dogs to ensure you get plenty of 1-on-1 time each class. Rally coursework classes have a maximum of 5 students.

  • Every dog and human progresses at a different pace. What is harder for one dog, may be a bit easier for others. Each turn is tailored to where you are at and building the skills that allow you to achieve your goals.

  • Kindness is the cornerstone of everything we do. That is why you will find our training style to be compassionate, kind, and positive reinforcement based. We take a LIMA approach (least invasive, minimally aversive) to everything we do. This includes with humans too.

  • Rally-O is just another way to have fun with your dog and build a spectacular bond. Your dog is going to think you are the absolute bomb as we teach you games that build your relationship every time you play them.

  • It is incredibly important to us that you have Rally-O skills that give you the opportunity to take the sport to whichever level you would like to achieve. Whether you have incredibly high competitive aspirations or don’t ever see yourself competing, you will be taught to execute the game in a way that creates clarity for your dog, building on your relationship in and out of the ring.

  • We know that not all dogs love being greeted by the other pups or people in the room. In our beginner classes, each team has its own 10’x10’ pen with visual barriers to hang out in between turns.

    Turns on the training floor can be solo and we take great care to manage the flow of dogs through entrances and exits to avoid interactions.

    Once in our Coaching Program, we take the same approach to eliminating interactions, and dogs are crated between turns.

  • Foundations 1.0

    Your dog has a basic understanding of foundation behaviours such as sit, down, and a short duration stay. You’re ready to refine those skills, learn some new ones, and learn more about Rally-O!

  • Foundations 2.0

    Your partner in crime has can perform basic foundation behaviours in various environments and is developing an understanding of heel position. You’re looking forward to testing your skills on Novice courses (and perhaps even some more challenging ones too!).

  • Foundations 3.0

    You’re developing an understanding of the various Rally-O signs and your dog’s understanding of obedience skills has skyrocketed! You’re hoping to spend most of your class time breaking down Novice and Advanced courses, while brushing up on foundation skills too.

  • Coursework Class

    Advanced Rally-O students can access coursework classes as 4-week sets, one-off sessions, or via the Coaching Program. These 1.25 hour sessions are aimed at running courses from CKC, CARO, WCRL, and CARO Working.